Fair credit cards are those issued to consumers with a credit rating in between good and bad, in the 629-689 point range. If you want to build your credit score responsibly but you’re having difficulty getting a credit card, Best Credit Cards For Fair Credit Report may be able to help you. Fair credit cards come with lower fees and rates than ones for poor credit scores and can be a big help in establishing a good credit score or repairing a damaged one.
Fair-Credit-Report’s site is more than just a legitimate source for securing credit cards, though. The site is full of tools and information needed by anyone who wants to keep a healthy credit profile. Not only do they provide a chart to help you decide which type of credit card you’re eligible for, they want to make sure that once you get that card you’re able to use it responsibly to protect your credit.
A special section on credit fraud will help protect you from dubious sales pitches as well as alerting you to what to look for as indications of credit fraud. Fair-Credit-Report also has a library link that answers nearly any question you might have about credit cards and building or repairing credit while avoiding debilitating debt.
Fair-Credit-Report truly is a one-stop site for all your credit card needs!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Posted by
6:14 AM
Labels: Business articles
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