There are many factors to consider when choosing a credit card and they can be confusing, to say the least. You will have to wade through information concerning interest rates, annual fees, terms of service and more. There are even credit cards geared towards the type of credit rating you have!
Acclaim Visa can help you wade through all the facts by comparing the various credit cards with their easily navigated site. You will find which cards the experts recommend, the ones with the lowest interest rates, which credit cards have low or no interest “teaser” rates, how to take advantage of those rates and much more. You will discover the best strategies for transferring high interest credit card debt to lower or no interest cards. As well as links to individual cards, there is a handy chart listing all the advantages of the different cards in one, easy to read chart.
Acclaim Visa makes it easy to choose the right credit card and get answers to your credit card questions.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Choosing the Right Credit Card
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6:43 AM
Labels: Business articles
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